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One-on-one help to find
your footing on the path

The seed of desire for spiritual awakening is a precious and all-too-rare commodity. If you feel the wanting for something greater than the one-dimensional life, now is the time not just to seek, but to find. That 'something more' is waiting for you. Don't keep it waiting any longer.

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Schedule An 

Inner Sight Session

The guiding principles of this style of work is to see and know for yourself. There is no substitute for feeling whether or not it resonates with you, and I’m attempting this to help more of the right people and I to find each other. That’s my spiritual calling.


If you are interested in experiencing this process for yourself, please book a session on this site or by contacting me at (347) 351-2913.  




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About Me

I’ve helped hundreds of clients break through the obstacles that seem to be holding them back in life and spiritual clarity. Life's too short to be unhappy, unsure or unfulfilled. Let me help you understand what's standing in the way of your goals. 

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